Nigella Lawson's Molten Chocolate Babycakes
1:05 PM
50 g soft unsalted butter, plus more for greasing 350 g (12 oz) best dark chocolate 150 g (1/2 cup) caster sugar 4 large eggs, beaten with a pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 50 g (1/3 cup) plain flour 6 individual pudding moulds, buttered Baking parchment Preheat oven to 200 C/Gas mark 6/400 F; put baking sheet in. Draw around pudding mould on baking parchment and cut out six circles; line bottom of tin with baking parchment. Melt chocolate and let it cool slightly. Cream together the butter and sugar, and gradually beat in the eggs and salt, then the vanilla. Now add the flour and when all is smoothly combined, scrape in the cooled chocolate, blending it to a smooth batter. Divide the batter between the 6 moulds, quickly whip the baking sheet out of the oven, arrange the little tins on it and replace in the oven. Cook for 10-12 minutes (the extra 2 minutes will be needed if the puddings are fridge-cold when you start). As soon as you take them out of the oven, tip the babycakes onto a small plate or shallow bowl. Serve with whipped cream, crème friche or ice- cream.